1 - Good evening! The full, “Final” @January6thCmte report on #Jan6 has been released. The fact it’s entirely missing - indeed whitewashed of ONE KEY NAME - is proof enough of that circus act’s politically predetermined conclusions. Whose name is missing?
2 - Allow me to introduce to you Ms. Yogananda Pittman, who was USCP’s “Assistant Chief of Police for Protective and Intelligence Operations” on #Jan6, and in that role oversaw all three of USCP’s intelligence-related entities. (photo)
3 - Ms. Pittman was the acting #2 to USCP Chief of Police Steven Sund on #Jan6 and she was in the Command Center that day, with full access to COP Sund, his communications with both the Senate and House Sergeants-at-Arms.
4 - In the aftermath of #Jan6, COP Sund was forced to resign, and Pittman was elevated to Acting Chief of the USCP, from January 8, 2021 – July 22, 2021. During this time, Pittman received a vote of “no confidence” from 92% of USCP officers. (photo)
5 - After her short tenure as Acting Chief, Pittman was returned to her position as Assistant Chief. On Dec. 5th of this year, it was announced that University of California at Berkeley had hired her as Chief of @UCBerkeley police department. (More on that, later.)
6 - On #Jan6, Ms. Pittman had access to all radio comms from USCP officers on the grounds and inside the Capitol Building, as well as live visuals from the Capitol’s dozens of CCTV cameras, giving her instant feedback of what was unfolding that day.
7 - What Ms. Pittman failed to do on #Jan6 was offer her down-rank officers any command instructions or plans for securing the building or protecting Congress members. She never offered any directions or orders for evacuating Congress or VP Pence.
8 - Ms. Pittman never gave any direction to USPC officers about incoming threats, despite her birds-eye view from all CCTV cameras. She also gave no direction for aid, or called in any assistance to officers being wounded once the battles began.
9 - Her voice is only heard twice, all day on #Jan6, on USCP radio transmissions. At exactly 2pm, she ordered a “lockdown” of the Capitol Building: “At this time we're ordering a lockdown of the Capitol building, lock down the Capitol building.”
10 - This lockdown order from Pittman was immediately responded to with derision by USCP Inspector Tom Lloyd, because he’d already issued that lockdown order an hour earlier. He immediately responded: “That was done a long time ago.”
11 - Pittman’s voice is only heard one other time - just 8 minutes later, at 2:08pm - when she then ordered a lockdown of the entire Capitol campus: “At this time we are ordering a campus-wide lockdown. A campus wide lockdown.”
12 - Pittman was either grossly incompetent - frozen at the images on her CCTV screens - or she was allowing the events of #Jan6 to transpire, under the guidance of a higher authority “up the chain” … while her officers were being pummeled, for hours.
13 - Most telling is what Pittman failed to do in the days prior to #Jan6 - not passing along the intel to which she was privy. Key word: “intelligence.” Her actual job. The word in her job title description. Yes, she did know what was coming, and she did not pass that info along.
14 - On December 14, 2020, Sean Gallagher, Deputy Chief for the PSB, alerted COP Sund and Ms. Pittman that the Joint Session on #Jan6 “will bring some demonstrations, with the potential for some issues on the House floor.”
15 - On Dec. 21, the Intelligence and Interagency Coordination Division (IICD) issued a report containing over 30 screenshots of calls for people to both bring firearms, be prepared to use them against LEOs, and to also confront Congress members with firearms.
16 - One such message: “If a million patriots [show] up bristling with AR’s, just how brave do you think they’ll be when it comes to enforcing their unconstitutional laws? Don’t cuck out. This is do or die. Bring your guns.” And: “They better dig a tunnel all the way to China if they want to escape.”
17 - According to Ms. Pittman, this report was distributed only to “command staff,” including the deputy chiefs and assistant chiefs. Many of those denied they ever saw this report.
18 - IICD continued to receive warnings about the increasing likelihood of violence. On January 1, IICD received a warning via its tip line that “there [were] detailed plans to storm federal buildings.”
19 - Pittman claimed these warnings were distributed to all USCP members. Again, in hearing testimonies, high-level USCP officers denied, over and over, ever seeing the Information Paper containing these warnings. This circumstance repeated itself with several other intel warnings received by Pittman.
20 - On Jan 26, Ms. Pittman testified: “Let me be clear: [USCP] should have been more prepared for this attack. By January 4th . . . we also knew that some of these participants were intending to bring firearms and other weapons to the event.”
21 - One rank-and-file officer summarized the feelings of most of the USCP deployed on #Jan6: “We were ill prepared. We were not informed with intelligence. We were betrayed. We were abandoned by ALL the deputy chiefs and above that day.”
22 - Pittman’s numerous testimonies before both houses of Congress revealed her to be a profligate liar, often contradicting herself. Her assertions about intel warnings being passed along are most often denied by others within the USCP command structure.
23 - One of Pittman’s most consistent lies deals with the number of USCP officers deployed on #Jan6 and how many violent protestors they battled with. According to Pittman, there were 1,200 officers on the Capitol grounds on Jan 6…
24 - …which she says was "no match for the tens of thousands of insurrectionists (many armed) attacking the Capitol and refusing to comply with lawful orders." Neither of those numbers remotely reflect the reality of #Jan6, and is a lie she has maintained for almost two years.
25 - Documents provided to the various Committees reflect that USCP had 1,214 sworn officers “on site” at 2pm, although USCP could not explain where these officers were located or the breakdown of officers by division.
26 - Pittman testified that she did not know where officers were actually posted, aside from that they were “deployed throughout the campus.” USCP has no official record listing the exact number of sworn officers that were posted in or around the Capitol Building.
27 - USCP could only provide to the Committees that “of those officers in the Uniformed Services Bureau…[only]approximately 195 were assigned to interior or exterior posts” at the Capitol. USCP was only able to account for the location of 417 total officers.
28- USCP could not account to the Committees for the remaining 797 officers. USCP was also unable to show how many officers were re-missioned or called in to reinforce other positions throughout the day.
29 - Numerous USPC officers and other media sources have reported seeing as few as “120” to “less than 200” USPC uniformed officers on duty during the height of the attacks. This from both eyewitness accounts and hours of expert video analysis.
30 - Yours truly reported all the back in early January 2021 and again in February 2021 that I personally witnessed “less than” 200 USPC officers in and around the Capitol on #Jan6.
31 - I also reported that I never saw a single LEO while at the Washington Monument lawn for Trump’s speech, nor did we see a single LEO on the walk from he monument to the Capitol. Not until I arrived at the lower west terrace battle line did I see an LEO, all day.
32 - Even in the first Oath Keepers trial, testimony was that the USCP was severely and abnormally undermanned on #Jan6, and that frontline officers were completely uninformed of the protests and other scheduled events on Capitol grounds that day.
33 - There is far more to Pittman’s #Jan6 story. Everything here is in the public record. There is much more that is still ‘under seal’ - marked as “sensitive” by the DOJ, FBI, or other Fed agencies. More will make its way into daylight thru discovery in the many upcoming trials.
34 - Because USPC officers know Pittman is both a liar and left them unprepared, uniformed, and unprotected on #Jan6 - many begging over the radio for “a plan” - 92% of their members gave her a “no confidence vote” as early as Feb 15, 2021.
35 - Despite her 92% no confidence vote, Pittman was allowed to remain as Acting Chief of the USCP until July 22, and then also allowed to resume her previous post as Assistant Chief until her announced resignation in Dec ’22.
36 - Pittman’s resignation from USCP is the result of her taking the new position as Chief of Police @UCBerkeley. Congrats, UC Berkeley. You picked a real winner. I’m sure Paul Pelosi’s wife, @SpeakerPelosi, had nothing to do with your selection.
37 - To those who will say my criticism of Pittman is based on her skin color…f-ck you. I can also tell you the HERO of #Jan6 was someone with the same skin color as Pittman - and you don’t yet know that story, because it too is being suppressed by the Feds. But, it’s coming.
38 - Some of those portrayed as heroes on #Jan6…are not. Some of those being villainized…are anything but. The @January6thCmte has chosen to completely omit Yogananda Pittman’s participation from the record, though it was she in the Command Center on #Jan6.
39 - Pittman’s omission from the “official” record is now, for some reason, being perversely rewarded with a cushy job and likely pay raise on the other side of the country. Dare I ask: “What did she know, and when did she know it?”
40 - Sources for this Tweetstorm:
41 - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/capitol-police-officers-give-vote-of-no-confidence-in-leaders/
42 - https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/18/politics/us-capitol-police-yogananda-pittman/index.html
43 - https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23515047/report_finalreport_jan6selectcommittee.pdf
44 - More to come. Stay tuned . . .