This linked AP article admits that “underlying measures of inflation are actually worsening.” Why would a reliable MSM mouthpiece of the Democratic Party and all things neo-Marxist/Progressive/Great Reset cop to this, when just one month after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed, President Biden held a White House Lawn celebration of how they’ve officially conquered inflation?
Because, no matter how many days in a row gasoline pump prices have fallen, the American consumer must also still buy evermore expensive groceries and see their escalating monthly home power bills. Not to mention devastating increases in rent, mortgages, interest rates, and other associated housing costs. (Most housing expenses, 50% to as much as 150% higher since Biden took office.)
We The People KNOW it’s getting worse. THEY can’t hide it, so the obvious course of action is for the media and political elite cartel to actually blame the American people for rising prices — hence the headline:
“Driven by consumers, US inflation grows more persistent”
Ummmm. No.
Except for the occasional supply and demand shortages related to a specific product or consumer sector, inflation is ALWAYS the fault of government spending overextension and/or central banking monetary policy. Milton Friedman famously said . . . something validated time and again:
“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.”
As already pointed out, government is not going to accept the blame . . . save for a small handful of genuinely fiscally conservative members of Congress. (See: Rand Paul) Otherwise, no one gets a pass. Not the GOP, their presidents, nor their elected legislators . . . and certainly no elected Democrat in my lifetime. Thomas Sowell best summarized government’s lack of accountability:
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
To that line of thought, not only should there be a national outcry for term limits, I’d also suggest the following:
-Every member of Congress must be subject to every law, regulation, tax, or other imposition placed upon ANY other American citizen or business. NO exceptions, NO exemptions, NO special privileges — EVER, or for any reason. (If it’s good for me, then it’s just as good for thee.)
-No member of Congress or any other federal employee should ever be paid more than the average wage of all Americans, but in additional compensation for their “service” to the American people, elected members of Congress will be provided free apartments and utilities in one large group housing complex near the Capitol, for when they are in D.C. (Members can opt out of this accommodation at their own expense, with no housing subsidies or additional remuneration from the taxpayers, campaign contributors, lobbyists, etc.)
-Every elected federal official must suspend and be prevented from any and all stock market trading, (and all other speculative type market trades), for the duration of their time in office.
-Every elected federal official shall be prohibited from receiving gifts - in any form — or campaign contributions from any individual, business, association, organization, or any other type of group receiving federal subsidies or holding government contracts for any type of products or services.
-And, finally . . . for every percentage point in annual increase of REAL inflation — no industry sectors excluded in the calculus — elected federal officials will pay an additional personal income tax rate equal to 5-times that annual increase. (For example, if your CongressCreep is paying a 35% individual tax rate and the subsequent year’s inflation rate is 2%, they will be subject to a 45% individual tax rate for the next year’s tax filing.)
In other words . . . MAKE them responsible for being wrong, and prevent them from being rewarded for making deals . . . with anyone. (Do you think I could get grassroots voters from both the left and right on board with these propositions?)
Biden & Co. celebrates hundreds-of-billions in additional inflation-creation spending — called the “Inflation Reduction Act” — and Speaker Pelosi emphasized in her remarks yesterday that the bill is, “So beautifully named for all that it does . . . and is driving down costs of kitchen table items for America’s working families.” Quite factually, her claim is something it has NOT done since its passage, and most likely will be just another exacerbation of the existing problem, as Congress and Biden have once again committed you, me, our children, and our grandchildren to additional spending and debt by way of money that doesn’t even actually exist. (i.e. “taxation by inflation”)
So shameful are those elected elites’ prevarications and propaganda-filled White House lawn celebrations, and so blatantly obvious it is that truth is 180-degrees out of phase with their pronouncements, It forces me to once again to return to Orwell:
"Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to BELIEVE that black is white, and more, to KNOW that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary.”
To how many other current issues does that quote currently apply? How many Americans — from either Party — have already forgotten that black is NOT white . . . or that men CANNOT birth children . . . and mRNA vaccines DO NOT prevent transmission of . . . anything? Sadly, that list is so long, I’d run out of my allowable word count for this article.